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What Are Intramural Sports?


校内体育项目为学生提供各种各样的活动, faculty, and staff to stay active, create memories, 通过与大学社区的接触建立友谊. All skills levels are welcome.

校内运动以联赛和锦标赛的形式促进个人和团队的比赛. Over 60 men’s, women’s, co-rec, and open leagues are offered to students, faculty, and staff who wish to recreate in structured activities. Our staff will strive to further teamwork, respect, fun, and family.  Come as you are and EXPERIENCE Intramurals!

结构化联赛将以每学期两个区块的形式提供, four blocks per year. 为期一天的比赛和特别活动将穿插在每个学期. 形式,产品和季节长度将根据活动而有所不同.

Registration + Payment Information 

To register for Intramural Sports at 澳门葡京网赌送彩金, visit and register for an account. You will be asked to log-in with your university credentials. 所有的体育和赛事注册都是通过澳门葡京网赌送彩金的IMLeagues门户网站进行的. Please enter all necessary information accurately. 大部分活动的报名时间为每周四下午12点,并于下个星期四下午12点结束.


校内体育项目传统上是由队长在团队注册时一次性支付费用, but this year we are moving to a new system, known as the Play Pass. Play Pass要求个人在加入花名册或创建团队时支付自己的费用. 这样一来,过去由队长支付全队费用的报名负担就会消失.

有了通行证选项,个人可以购买年玩通行证, a semester play pass, a single sport team pass, or a tournament pass.

Annual Pass - $30

这个通行证可以购买整个学年,并允许无限制的校内游戏. Students with this pass can enroll on as many teams as they wish, as long as they follow the individual league rules. When this pass is purchased, 整个学年不需要购买任何其他通行证. 该通行证于学年第二学期(5月)附加赛结束后失效。. 参与者必须持有有效的澳门葡京网赌送彩金 Blugold ID才能参加校内活动. No refunds will be issued.

Semester Play Pass - $20

这个通行证可以购买整个学期,并允许无限制的学期校内游戏. Students with this pass can enroll on as many teams as they want, as long as they follow the individual league rules. When this pass is purchased, 整个学期不需要购买任何其他通行证. 学期通行证在秋季学期第二学期或体育项目的季后赛结束后失效. 参与者必须持有有效的澳门葡京网赌送彩金 Blugold ID才能参加校内活动. No refunds will be issued.

Single Sport Team Pass - $8

这个通行证可以在学期的任何时候购买,并允许学生加入一个校内团队. 持有此通行证的学生可以参加任何联赛的任何球队,只要他们符合联赛的要求. When this pass is purchased, a student can join their one team. The pass expires upon joining any single team in intramurals. 参与者必须持有有效的澳门葡京网赌送彩金 Blugold ID才能参加校内活动. Refunds will not be given for a single team pass. 如果玩家在首次购买单个团队通行证后选择升级,则一次购买此通行证将计入学期通行证的信用. 更新单个团队通行证将不计入升级的持续积分.

Tournament Pass - $5

这张通行证可以在一年中的任何时候购买,并允许学生参加一次校内比赛(i.e. non-league). 持有此通行证的学生可以参加任何联赛的任何球队,只要他们符合这项运动的要求. When this pass is purchased, a student can join their one team. 通行证在参加指定的校内锦标赛的任何一支球队时失效. 参与者必须持有有效的澳门葡京网赌送彩金 Blugold ID才能参加校内活动. Refunds will not be given for a tournament pass.

Payment Information

All payments will now be done ONLINE at or in the IMLeagues app. You will be prompted to pay during the registration process. Payment must be entered before a team is successfully registered. Team fees will vary per activity. 需要有效的Visa, Mastercard或Discover信用卡来完成付款.

要访问付款页面,您必须登录到您的IMLeagues帐户. From your profile, select My Payments in the upper left near your profile picture, then My Pay Packages near the right hand side of the screen. Then select the pass you would like to purchase. 

Intramural FAQ's

IM Participation Statistics

IMLeagues Instructions 

The section below answers common, 有关校内运动的一般问题,这里是威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校. This is not meant to be an extensive list of questions and answers.

Please contact Competitive Sports Coordinator Karlie Stefonik at with questions or concerns. 您也可以在山顶中心105室的娱乐和体育运营办公室与工作人员交谈.

Intramural FAQ's
Page Family

Recreation and Sport Operations

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